I'll try to make this short and sweet, so that I don't hold you up long as you venture forth in your search for that special someone. I'm a single dad of two boys, both teenagers...dun dun dun, run while you can! I'm also a full-time college student, who works part-time on the same campus I attend, it really is a nice set-up. Not to shabby so far, right? I'm a simple man, who appreciates the simple things life has to offer. Life is just way to short to squander it on needless drama, and the unnecessary stress of trying to please everyone, all of the time. So I do my best to keep things peaceful as much as possible, which is part of the reason I've put of dating. Yet one can't stay hidden from the dating world forever. We eventually have to come out in search of a breath of fresh air. So here I am, sticking my big toe into the cool pool of water that is the dating scene. It's been a while so please forgive my awkwardness as I try doing this again. I'd like to think of myself as an open book, so if you have questions, I have answers, most of which are true! So if any of my ramblings has peaked your interest, please feel free to leave me a message. If nothing else, I'm always happy to make new friends! Good luck in your search single moms.